For the last few weeks, my Ex1 has been crashing on my couch while his new place finishes a re-do. It is a long story, but his girlfriend broke it off with him and he didn't have anywhere else to stay really. Since we make better friends than married couple, I offered my couch until his move in day. His ex-girlfriend also works with me. So when all of the boo-hooing was going on I listened. Now mind you, the whole time I am hearing the stories from her, I am having my own conversation in my head. It pretty much was like this:
"Preaching to the choir woman."
"I told you so."
"Been there, done that, gave the shirt away during the divorce out of spite."
BUT...I did keep those thoughts to myself.
Okay, maybe I said them out loud but I don't think she really heard me anyway.
Now last night, I get off work and come home to find he is having a little BBQ and sharing some beers with his Mother for her birthday. This is fine. She is like a second mom to me. Everything was going really good until the booze hit Ex1 and obviously decided to overtake his brain and mouth. He starts saying that "I need to quit acting like an old lady who needs to live in a nursing home. Stop acting like you are happy with being single and adopting cats like a crazy cat lady."
Let me clear my throat!
(in the famous voice of the great Will Smith, aka. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air)
One, you lost all rights to telling me how to live my life when we signed on that dotted line in divorce court.
Two, if I want to adopt 50-100 cats, then so be it. While I am not a huge lover of animals, my children are and at least I know why I am getting the cold shoulder from a cat. They are cats, and acting stand offish is what they do.
Three, after 2 divorces I have taken the time to just accept being single. Newsflash, I actually like being single. I get to eat when I want, what I want. If I want to go to bed at 7 pm or 1 am, it is my choice and I don't have to explain why. If I want to binge on Netflix for my entire 4 days off of work, I can. If I want to look at hot guys (or even girls), I can without any guilt.
Just because I enjoy being single and I don't know, not drinking until I am drunk as a skunk doesn't make me boring. I spend time with my kids. I play some computer games. I have friends I go places with. I don't need to drink every night. I don't need to be doing something all the time. Am I bitter towards relationships and men? Well I sure as hell am not ever getting married again, but I am in no hurry to find a man either. I don't need the hassle.
So next time a man tries to tell me how to live my life, you better hope you really are ten foot tall and bullet proof because I am a good shot at five foot seven.
Having a drinking party with your ex is asking for trouble. High 5 for standing strong! Lol.